The "Portus Foundation" Literary Prize
The non-profit organization PORTUS FOUNDATION, is in the process of organizing the forth edition of the Literary Prize " Portus Foundation". It is a prize to be awarded to books recently published in Italy, who have dealt with themes related to the environment, the protection of the landscape, water, nature, land conservation, sea, flora, fauna, pollution and waste. The competition will be divided into two independent sections, one of Essays and Fiction, both reserved to works of Italian and foreign authors published by Italian publishing firms in the years 2015-2016.
The works will be selected by a jury presided by ….., composed of leading figures from the world of culture, environmental information, journalism and business. The titles of the two winners will be chosen by the jury by the end of May 2016. The closing event with the prizes presentation will take place in June 2016, at the beautiful location within the natural site "Oasis of Porto." The Foundation intends, with such cultural initiative in favor of the "Environment", to raise awareness and promote literature and reading texts dealing with a topic of great social value, in its broadest sense.
- Notice 2015
- Download Notice 2015
- Download Jury 2015
- Download list of titles and authors 2015
- "Portus Foundation" Literary Prize award ceremonys 2015 - press release
- Press Area
- Archived Documents 2014